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Angle Pairs

  • Complementary Angles - Angles whose sum is equal to 90°.
  • Supplementary Angles - Angles whose sum is equal to 180°.
  • Linear Pair - Adjacent Angles whose sum is equal to 180°.
  • Vertical Angles - Two non-adjacent angles formed by intersecting lines. These angles are always equal.
  • Angle pairs formed by Parallel Lines cut by a Transversal.
  • Alternate Interior Angles - pair of angles on opposite side but inside the two lines. These angles are always equal.
  • Alternate Exterior Angles - pair of angles on opposite side but outside the two lines. These angles are always equal.
  • Corresponding Angles - angles found on the same corners on the two lines. These angles are always equal.
  • Consecutive Interior Angles - angles found on the same side but inside the two lines. These angles are always supplementary (sum is 180°).
  • Consecutive Exterior Angles - angles found on the same side but outside the two lines. These angles are always supplementary (sum is 180°).
Check this animation to visualize complementary and supplementary angles

Check this animation to highlight the angle pairs.

Apply what you've learned. Download our free worksheet, W2.3 Angle Pair Theorems and Postulates
Credits: Animations are taken from Math is Fun Website!


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