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Finding a Good Tutor for Your Child

We all want the best for our children. We work hard to ensure that their future is brighter and better than ours. Mediocrity is not an excuse when it comes to rearing and raising our kids. We give them all the best that we can possibly give – a loving and joyful home, healthy food, good clothes, many toys, and the best education among others. This is our selfless love for our children.

The greatest dream of every parent is to see his child excel in every aspect of his life from academics to extra curricular activities. However, this does not happen overnight, sometimes the kid needs extra attention and even an extra push in order for him to realize his full potential especially in his studies. Every parent would want to see his child get consistent high grades. Sadly though and hurtful at times (reality bites), we, parents, are not the most effective academic teachers to our child. More often than not, study sessions become sermon sessions and it is no longer conducive for learning.

This is where the role of a private tutor comes in. A person outside the family is sometimes the best option when it comes to tutoring your child. The secret is finding a good tutor for your child. A good tutor is your investment to see your child’s success and improvement coming into fruition.

Here are two ways in finding a good tutor:

The most efficient way in finding a good tutor is by asking family, friends, neighbors and even his teacher for any recommendations. This is a good idea because they normally have personal experiences with this tutor and they can personally vouch for that person.

Tutoring Agencies
This is another effective way of finding a good tutor because the company already did the screening process for you. They already have a line up of competent and qualified teachers and they ensure that a certain standard is maintained. They usually match your child’s profile to the best and the most suitable tutor for him. You can search for reputable tutoring companies over the Internet, local newspapers and directories.

Moreover, here some pointers in finding a good tutor for your child:

Flexibility and Creativity
Flexibility and creativity are very important for effective mentoring. Since tutoring is focused teaching – it is reinforcing the lessons from school and ensuring that the child understands it fully. It is very important that the tutor can tailor-fit his teaching method to the learning style of the child. It is important that he infuse creativity in his sessions to ensure that he wins the child’s mind, heart and attention.  

Regular Feedback
A good tutor should be able to give you regular feedback on the child’s progress without you asking for it. This creates a strong partnership between the two of you, which is essential in the development of your child. . It is a good idea to have hearty conversations with your child’s tutor – this is where you get to know him, his personality as well as his views, which is good for your partnership.

Finding a good tutor can be tough and tedious because a tutor’s role is so vital in shaping your child’s future but once you have found the perfect tutor for your child, the rewards will be priceless!


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Our mission is to create an open, constructive learning environment where diverse tutoring techniques address individual academic needs. We empower students to become confident, effective, and independent learners, equipping them with essential skills in an atmosphere that fosters growth, resilience, and a lifelong love for learning.


A transformative institution, delivering quality tutoring services that guarantee academic success, positively impacting the world child by child.